Back when I first started The Hungry, I had pie-in-the-sky ideas of turning it into a thriving news source that would blow up and eventually be worthy of being sold to the highest bidder (lofty, I know).
Over time, my perspective changed, and I no longer wanted that to be the end. Also, I shifted the focus of the publication based on what I believed would answer the questions from the audience. However, based on how interactions slowed, and growth grew stagnant, I put too much faith in people wanting to explore the areas of storytelling and strategy.
On a positive note, I've been exploring those same ideas of storytelling and strategy on my own over at, and for the first time in a while, everything is moving up and to the right.
All things have seasons, some longer than others, but everything must eventually come to a close. Because of personal circumstances that I'm choosing to keep private, things have changed in my life. I will no longer be able to maintain both spaces.
After discussing things with my family, I have made the difficult decision to shut the doors on The Hungry. I know that will be disappointing to many of you, and it's not what I wanted, but I need to do what's best for the family. I hope you understand that.
I will not be taking this email list over to my personal account. If you'd like to see what's up over there, you can subscribe at
Thanks for sticking with The Hungry for so long. I hope I can see more of you in the future.
Best regards and respect,
Dave Conrey